• Antimens (Antiminsion): from the Greek: "instead of the table", is among the most important furnishings of the altar. It is a rectangular piece of cloth, of either linen or silk. Typically it is decorated with the Icon of the entombment of Christ, the four Evangelists, and scriptural passages related to the Eucharist. A small relic of a martyr is sewn into it. The Eucharist cannot be celebrated without an antimension. The antimension must be consecrated and signed by a bishop.
  • Sponge: used to clean the edge of the cup and the holy utensils.
  • Large piece of cloths: symbolizes the stone of Jesus' tomb.
  • Cup (Chalice): Made of metal. It contains the wine prepared for consecration into the blood of the Lord.
  • Chalice Cover.
  • The Paten: A small round tray, without a stand and having no engraving. It is usually made of silver or gold. It holds the Communion. In addition it symbolizes the womb of the Theotokos.
  • Paten Cover.
  • Star: Consists of two silver arched bands, held by a screw, crossed over each other into the shape of a cross. Usually it is surmounted by a small cross. It represents the shape of the tomb and also reminds us of the star that appeared to the Wise men.
  • The Spoon: used to administer the body and the Blood of Christ to the communicants.

incense and icon




When the priest censes around the altar, the icons and people, he actually gathers the prayers of all as one, held by the incense and raised by the angels with the prayers and the intercession of the Theotokos. In addition, the censing of the altar refers to the call for the presence of the Holy Spirit onto the altar and whole place. Censing the people is to sanctify them and call for God's mercy upon them.

The censer refers to the Virgin Mary, the fire to the divinity inside her without being burnt. The incense refers to worship. The censer has twelve bells symbolize the preaching of the twelve apostles.